Life Updates!

If I could pick one word to describe this week that word would be, ugh. This was my first official week of working as a full time certificated sub. It was challenging. I worked three days this week and had two days off. It was busy. I had Freshman on Monday, Sophomores on Tuesday, and then Juniors today. That was not planned at all by the way but it was kind of funny how that all worked out. I’m hoping to be subbing for my kids I had during student teaching next week and I have other jobs for the week after next. Luckily it seems I’m able to keep pretty busy in terms of work which is good. It’s a little hard adjusting to getting up at 5:45am when I haven’t been doing it for so long. My sleep schedule will readjust eventually. Hopefully.

For the most part the kids I’ve been subbing for have been pretty good. They’ve been pretty well behaved and they all seemed to be able to follow directions well. This makes it easy to sub because it means I get to have fun with the kids instead of fighting them all day to get them to work. It makes it nice because I really do like getting to know the kids and joking around with them. It makes the day go faster.

Other than working I haven’t been up to much. I have tickets to Lazer Team now. The Yelm screening was confirmed so I am officially going to Lazer Team on the 28th. I’m excited to see the movie and hopefully meet some other Rooster Teeth fans from my area. I’m hoping to meet people from the community so I’m really excited to go. I haven’t really been up to much else though. I’m supposed to get paid today so I’m waiting for that go through so I can buy some new phone cases. I dropped my phone on the floor of Value Village the other day and actually chipped it so I definitely need to get a new phone case.

I’m sorry this was such a boring life updates but I haven’t been up to much lately. Hopefully I’ll do something cool or interesting this weekend so I can tell you about it next week.

Until next time have a wonderful weekend and, as always, stay classy internet people.

4 thoughts on “Life Updates!

  1. Congrats on your first subbing job! It is definitely not easy, and it takes a strong teacher to go into a classroom without knowing anything first. Good luck in your teaching adventures!

  2. Congrats on the first week! It’ll get easier. I’m working at 5:30 in the morning at my new job for another day or two and it’s definitely a struggle getting up.

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