Life Updates: Sickness

Hey guys! It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything and I apologize for that. This has not been a good couple of weeks and that has been one of the things that has kept me from writing. There’s been a lot going on and unfortunately most of it is not great.

Last week was a short week at school. I was sick, and by sick I  mean like nausea sick, on either Wednesday or Thursday I don’t remember the exact date. That really sucked and I was thankful that the week was only three days long. This was just after I had finally managed to get over my cold that I had been nursing for about two weeks so that made it even more exciting.

Anyway, after that disaster I was hoping that this week would be better. This week is a full week at school so I was hoping that maybe it would be better because it was longer somehow. Well, turns out I was dead wrong. On Wednesday I was sick again. And once again by sick I mean like nausea sick. Also apparently nausea is a word I have a hard time spelling correctly. Anyway, I was sick again and this time it was way worse than it was the week before.

I started feeling sick towards the end of fourth period and I should have gone home but being the stubborn and people pleasing person that I am I couldn’t bring myself to actually leave my job even though I felt terrible. This ended up not being the best idea because after my sixth period class let out I puked on the floor of my classroom.

Yeah. Let’s just let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah, that actually happened.

Thankfully there was only one student left in the room and it was the end of the day. Still that’s a great introduction to my first year teaching. Also I couldn’t miss Thursday because we had late night for yearbook and I had an interview in the morning. Thankfully I felt better enough to go to school on Thursday morning. I’m still not feeling 100% better but I’m getting there. My lesson from that experience was that I need to trust my instincts and go home if I feel that I need to go home.

My mother thinks I had food poisoning from the food I was eating for lunch. I ate something similar on both of the days I was sick so that could be it. I just thought it was odd that it happened on almost the same day each week. Who knows what’s wrong with me. It’s a mystery.

Anyway, other than that the interview I had to go to on Thursday morning was pointless. It was more of a formality since they obviously aren’t going to fire me from this job since I’ve been doing it for three weeks already. It was quite short and I was glad it was since I had to miss my prep time to go to the interview. After I was finished with it I got an email from the principal stating that I would have to do another interview at the district office. That should be great. I found that a little annoying since I had already done one interview and now have to go do another one but oh well. I’ll do what I have to do I guess.

That’s been my life these last couple of weeks. I hope yours has been better.

Anyway, until next time go do something fun this weekend or maybe just rest, you deserve it, and, as always, stay classy internet people.

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